Alliance Sahel
Investing today in the Sahel for the Africa of tomorrow

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The origins of the Sahel Alliance

Created in 2017 in response to the multiple challenges facing the populations of the region, the Sahel Alliance is a platform for coordinating development cooperation in the Sahel, bringing together the actions of 27 international partners.

Germany, the World Bank, the African Development Bank, the European Investment Bank, the West African Development Bank, Canada, Denmark, Spain, the United States, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, the United Nations, Norway, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and the European Union have joined the initiative as full members.

The Sahel Alliance also has nine observer members: Japan, Belgium, Switzerland, Finland, the International Finance Corporation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, Ireland and the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

This coordination is facilitated by regular dialogue on strategic, sectoral and thematic issues, fostering a common understanding of the issues and challenges affecting the region, sharing experience, best practice and analytical tools, and defining joint public policy messages.

The Sahel Alliance is financing and coordinating over 1,000 projects with Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger to address current challenges — social, demographic, economic, environment…

Websites of Sahel Alliance members:

    African Development Bank Group UNISS        Suède

4 founding principles

The Sahel Alliance wants to provide an appropriate and effective response to the challenges facing the Sahel countries based on 4 principles :

Targeting actions on 5 priority sectors
Mutual accountability between members and Sahelian countries on shared objectives
Innovative and flexible approaches, adapted to the constraints and specificities of the field
A stronger commitment in the most vulnerable and fragile areas

The fields of action

  • Agriculture, rural development and food security
    Agriculture, rural development and food security

    In the Sahel region, two out of three inhabitants live off agriculture and breeding livestock. However, yields are low and over a third of crops are lost every year, so food insecurity is high and this situation is worsened by climate change. One of the Sahel Alliance’s priorities is the development of sustainable agriculture that is climate-resistant and able to reduce poverty and malnutrition.

  • Decentralization and basic services
    Decentralization and basic services

    Access to drinking water, primary health care or social protection is still limited in the Sahel region, especially outside large cities. The region is also marked by a high rate of infant mortality. Bringing administrations closer to their citizens means decentralization, thanks to the transfer of budgetary management to local authority level. The Sahel Alliance is committed to reinforcing the needs of local authorities in terms of providing basic services.

  • Education and youth employment
    Education and youth employment

    The birthrate remains high in the Sahel countries, while life expectancy is increasing. Creating economic opportunities for the population and, first and foremost, for young people, is a priority for the Sahel Alliance. This calls for more generalized access to teaching and job opportunities.

  • Energy and climate
    Energy and climate

    There is an electrification rate of around 20% in all the Sahel countries; this is four times lower than the global average and two times less than the average of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Public action and innovation can help to reduce this gap. Since the region enjoys plentiful sunshine, the Sahel Alliance intends to increase the number of people with access to reliable, affordable and renewable electricity.

  • Governance

    The Sahel countries face a lack of institutional, territorial and financial governance. Citizens are demanding more justice and wish to participate more in the democratic life of their country. A combination of administrative hold-ups, corruption and poor resource redistribution means that citizens have little confidence in their government. Reinforcing the social contract in the Sahel countries is a goal for the Sahel Alliance.