Implementation of the ITA in Chad: field meetings and consultations with local authorities
A joint Sahel Alliance mission to assess the level of operationalisation of the Integrated Territorial Approach (ITA) took place from 21 to 24 June 2022 in Kanem and Barh el Gazel. Led by the Director of AFD, and composed of project managers and experts from GIZ, AFD and the Sahel Alliance Coordination Unit, this field visit took place as a prelude to a mission of the ITA sectoral group*.
This mission included follow-up visits to projects supported by Sahel Alliance members (PAMELOT/GIZ, DETEKANEM/AFD, Saha wa tarbia/AFD), and exchange meetings with administrative authorities and decentralised technical services. The activities provided an opportunity to assess the evolution of the operationalisation of the ITA in these priority zones.
The following progress was noted:
- Local authorities (prefects, mayors) are involved in the preparation of territorial development plans (PDP, PDL, PDC) and able to have an overall view of the actions (humanitarian-development-peace) carried out throughout the territory under their jurisdiction.
- This involvement facilitates the appropriation of strategies and ensures the sustainability of the process beyond the end of the project, which facilitated its implementation.
- It is also worth noting the willingness of several NGOs to take into account the priorities outlined within the development plans in their operational planning.
The multiple levels of development planning, however, create additional work and duplication of planning for the same area, which makes it difficult for local authorities to monitor projects. The lack of human, material and financial resources of the PACs (Provincial Action Committee) and DACs (Departmental Action Committee) does not allow for optimal involvement over time of the aforementioned bodies (PACs and DACs) in the development actions undertaken in these territories.
In addition, poor communication between operators and authorities, as well as the lack of synergy between operators (NGOs) active within the same territory represent some of the obstacles to promoting ITA in these areas.
This assessment of the level of operationalisation, highlighting the progress made and the obstacles encountered, provides food for thought for a better operationalisation of ITA in these priority zones before the sectoral group’s next mission.
After sharing the reports on the mission, the members met and unanimously confirmed the relevance of a major mission, mobilising all the members with a view to “concretising the operationalisation of the Territorial Approaches in order to increase the effectiveness and sustainability of the actions supported by the technical and financial partners who are members of the group”.
This mission will enable the establishment of an action plan to continue the operationalisation of the territorial approaches during the coming year.
* Group of technical and financial partners of Chad acting in the field of ITA. This group’s mission is to create synergy between the different areas (humanitarian/peace/development) and to coordinate actions for better aid effectiveness.
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