Project to strengthen the sustainable management of the consequences of migratory flows (‘ProGEM’)
The capacities of local authorities located on the main migratory routes in Niger need to be strengthened. Indeed, the socio-economic impacts of migration and forced displacement must be better managed and improved access to basic services is essential for host communities and migrants.
With the support of the ProGEM programme, 18 municipalities and 3 regions have set up local observatories, bringing together mayors, the main municipal and regional elected officials, local technical agents as well as representatives of civil society. As an internal advisory tool, they help municipalities and regions systematically collect information and analyse the effects of migration. On this basis, they propose appropriate development measures benefiting both host communities and migrants. The recognition of the positive and negative impacts of migration has helped depolarise the phenomenon, thus strengthening social cohesion.
Through this programme, the local economy was stimulated with the creation of 4,500 temporary jobs and the construction of 87 social and economic infrastructures. Over 300,000 people have improved access to basic services and economic opportunities, and 70,315 people have participated in conflict prevention and peacebuilding activities. More than 850 municipal officials, elected officials and civil society actors have been trained on several occasions on migration-related topics.
I sell spaghetti that I prepare at home. Previously the market was small, and there were fewer customers, I used a 50 kg bag of flour to make my pasta every two weeks, and there were often leftovers. Now, things have improved: I use one 50 kg bag every week to generate the same amount of sales.
Houweika Kourni, trader