Integrated Territorial Approach in Chad: Capitalising on Experience in Kanem and Barh-El-Gazel
In order to capitalise on the initiatives and efforts undertaken by local authorities, partner organisations and members of the Sahel Alliance as part of the Integrated Territorial Approach (ITA), Groupe URD produced a cartographic atlas, mapping actions in the two provinces in Chad where the ITA is being implemented, Kanem and Barh-El-Gazel. At the end of the analysis, a series of recommendations were presented to the relevant stakeholders to develop the ITA roadmap in Chad.
Planning and coordinating actions are key to optimising the impact of interventions at the ground level. In line with this dynamic, the members and partners of the Sahel Alliance are implementing the Integrated Territorial Approach (ITA) in the provinces of Bahr-El-Gazel and Kanem in Chad.
Launched in 2022 in Chad, the Integrated Territorial Approach/Nexus* is currently being implemented in projects by several members of the Sahel Alliance, including in the Livelihood Improvement Project in Western Chad (PAMELOT/GIZ).
In Chad, the ITA is designed to implement a coordinated response between the various development actors in the provinces of Kanem and Barh-El-Gazel, in support of provincial development plans. Identifying the needs of local people and developing local strategies that take into account the characteristics of each area is at the heart of the approach.
Several coordination actions were carried out, including two field missions during which the delegation of members of the Sahel Alliance met the local authorities and the main partners of the projects to discuss the completed and ongoing actions, and to discuss future developments.
Analysis of ITA Implementation in Chad
At the end of the second mission in October 2023, the members and partners of the Sahel Alliance wanted to further develop the operationalisation of the Integrated Territorial Approach.
Groupe URD, a think-tank specialising in the analysis of practices in the humanitarian sector, was commissioned to produce a cartographic atlas of actions in the two provinces which had tested the ITA.
This analysis was divided into three parts:
1. Diagnosis
At the end of 2023, Groupe URD carried out a diagnosis study on the progress of the ITA/Nexus approach in Kanem and Barh el Gazel, in order to analyse the capacity of stakeholders (international and local operators, local authorities and donors) to:
- understand the challenges and needs of local areas and populations
- share information
- coordinate
- plan joint strategies and action plans.
The goal of the diagnosis was also to assess the capacity of stakeholders to monitor and capitalise on the results and lessons learned.
2. Cartographic Atlas of Actions
Following the diagnosis, Groupe URD created a cartographic atlas of operations in the provinces of Barh-El-Gazel and Kanem, in order to identify synergies and complementarities between stakeholders and areas for improvement.
This cartographic atlas is supported by an analysis of the link between ongoing actions and the priorities outlined in the provincial development plans. Following this study, Groupe URD shared strategic and operational recommendations for all stakeholders involved in implementing the ITA/Nexus in Chad.
3. Extending Actions to Eastern Chad
As a result of the conflict in Sudan, Chad has welcomed more than 600,000 Sudanese refugees since April 2023. This situation led the Chadian government and its partners to redefine priorities. Several humanitarian and development organisations increased their presence in Eastern Chad. Groupe URD carried out an analysis of activities in eastern Chad to identify needs and the relevance of replicating the coordination experience in Kanem and Barh-El-Gazel in the east of the country.
The study highlighted the priorities for providing relief to people in the east: drinking water, shelter, food and nutrition, protection, livelihoods and a healthy environment. Particular focus was put on education, livelihoods and environmental protection.
Recommendations for the Future
Following their study, the URD experts recommended a series of changes to the ITA roadmap developed by the members and partners of the Sahel Alliance at the end of the joint field mission in 2023. This roadmap defined the priority activities to be implemented in close collaboration with the local authorities to strengthen the ITA/Nexus approach in Kanem and Barh el Gazel and to expand activities into the east of the country.
The experts’ recommendations include:
- Carrying out an assessment on needs, a mapping of actions and identifying a lead stakeholder (humanitarian or development) to develop the ITA/Nexus approach in the East.
- Transfer of powers for data collection, planning and coordination of actions to local authorities, decentralised government departments and local communities.
The next steps will be confirmed at a Sahel Alliance consultation meeting in Chad.
*Nexus refers to the European Union’s approach to coordination.
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