News & Press : News

Strengthening access to drinking water supply and sanitation in Mauritania

The geographical and climatic characteristics of Mauritania make water accessibility a major and permanent historical challenge. Moreover, the effects of climate change have already begun to be felt on Mauritanian territory. Rising temperatures, droughts and increased heavy rains exacerbate the continuing trend towards the degradation of agricultural, forest and pastoral…

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Cooperation in Chad: Alone, we go faster- together, we go further!

Governance is at the heart of the approach of the Livelihood Improvement Project in Western Chad (PAMELOT), which is part of the Sahel Alliance. This project is part of a process of proximity and skills transfer with development actors.  Local and national authorities and GIZ are working hand in hand: a…

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Microcredit, a lever for economic self-sufficiency in Chad

In 2016, Chad launched the National Development Plan (Plan de Développement National, PND) for the period 2017-2021, based on the strategy “Vision 2030, the Chad we want”. The National Strategy for the Development of the Private Sector (Stratégie Nationale du Développement du Secteur Privé, SNDSP) for 2018-2021 stems from this…

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Strengthening access to water and sanitation in N’Djamena

20,000 residents of the 7th and 8th districts of the Chadian capital are benefiting from improved access to drinking water and sanitation. The N’Djamena Water & Sanitation Project (Projet eau & assainissement à N’Djaména, PEAN), cofinanced by AFD and the European Union, operates in the Habéna, Atrone, Amtoukoui, Boutalbagar, Zafaye…

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Participants of the 3rd Steering Committee attending in Brussels and virtually connected to other members, partners and observers The third meeting of the Steering Committee (SC) of the Sahel Alliance was held in Brussels on 24 June. This working session was well attended by representatives of the members and observers…

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In response to Covid-19, the Sahel Alliance pledges nearly EUR 800 million for the Sahelian partners

PRESS RELEASE   Brussels, June 2020 – The global Covid-19 pandemic compounds an already complex and fragile situation in the G5 Sahel region (Chad, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania and Niger), with impacts on health, livelihoods, food security and stability of the region. The Sahel Alliance members are making every effort…

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Covid-19 response in Niger:  joint efforts from German Cooperation and European Union

Raising awareness activities in Niger – Copyright ©GIZ     Much needed equipment has been handed out to over 25 healthcare centres and hospitals in different regions of Niger : 100.000 latex gloves, 96.000 surgical masks, 21.000 bars of soap, 300 handwashing stations and 250 thermometers. This donation has been…

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